

Sales and marketing of trading card games

職務内容 Work Role:
Sales and marketing of trading card games targeting the U.S. and Europe

・Sales of U.S./Europe-focused trading card games to overseas retailers
 (Business dealings in English required)
・Marketing of these products
 (planning for expansion of sales, operating promotions, analysis of sales data)
・Planning and running of store/regional overseas card game tournaments 
応募資格 Required qualifications:
・Native speaker of English or equivalent proficiency
・Overseas-focused business experience, such as managing a retailer
 (3 years or more)
・Business level Japanese (equivalent to JLPT N1)

Welcome qualifications:
・Work experience in the trading card game industry
・Experience running an overseas store, regional tournament or event
・Experience participating in overseas card game tournaments,
 with understanding of the player mindset
・Work experience in the toy industry,
 or high familiarity with the international entertainment industry
・Experience dealing with overseas distribution
・Language skills such as French or Chinese 
待遇 Salary:
From 300,000 to 330,000 yen/month
From 6,810,000 to 7,490,000 yen/year
*Determined after consideration of factors such as experience, ability, and previous salaries

■Yearly example (2nd year of employment):
7,490,000 yen
330,000 yen/month+overtime pay (30 hours fixed)+bonus
(This is a hypothetical example; hours of overtime and bonus amount will vary.)

Raises and bonuses:
・Raise: Once per year
・Bonuses: Once per year

Paid expenses:
・Commute (Commute by car not permitted)


・Full social insurance
・Award systems
・DC/DB-type pension
・Retirement pay (age 60)
・Shareholding system
・Savings system
・Parental leave system
・Welfare facilities (corporate contract)
・Alumni association
・Training system
 (training in stages, mid-career training, Bandai Academy, etc.)
・Stipend for birth/parenting
 (300,000 yen each for 1st and 2nd children, 3,000,000 yen for 3rd child and on)

Days off and vacation days:
・Days off: All weekends, national holidays
・Vacation/leave: Year-end and New Year vacation, summer vacation, yearly paid leave, wedding/funeral leave, nursing care leave, etc.

Employment status:
 Full-time employee (6-month trial period)  
勤務地 Worksite:
Tokyo(Asakusa, Bandai Headquarters)

Selection process:
Resume selection

1st Interview Round (with HR department)
*Held in person (Asakusa)

SPI Aptitude Test
*Held at testing center

2nd Interview Round (with HR department, dept. head)
*Held in person (Asakusa)

Final Interview (with executive members)
*Held in person (Asakusa)