
募集職種詳細 / Job description

デジタル戦略推進部 / Digital Strategy Department

アプリケーションエンジニア(ヘルスケアアプリケーション) / Application Engineer(Healthcare application)

職務内容/Job duties 募集背景:




Background to appointment:
Chugai Pharmaceutical is undergoing a transformation with DX as a key driver to become a top innovator in the pharmaceutical industry, and as part of this, we have established an in-house agile development organization. We are seeking highly skilled professionals with expertise to join as in-house members and participate in various DX projects across the company's divisions, enabling rapid application development.

Description of work:
As an Application Engineer, you will be responsible for the following tasks:

・Developing software applications utilizing technologies such as mobile devices, smartphones, and IoT
・Designing, developing, and testing frontend (React, Vue.js, Angular, etc.) and backend (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.) components
・Practicing agile application development methodologies
・Designing, developing, and documenting APIs
・Designing and developing microservice architectures
・Developing applications for data utilization

As you gain experience as an Application Engineer, we plan to assign you various roles based on your knowledge and technical expertise in frontend and backend development. You will play a central role in application development, aiming to improve user experience while meeting business requirements 
応募資格/Qualifications 求める経験:

1. フロントエンド(React、Vue.js、Angularなど)およびバックエンド(Node.js、Python、Rubyなど)の設計、開発、テストのスキル。
2. APIの設計、開発、ドキュメント作成のスキル。
3. AIサービスの設計と開発に関する知識。
4. マイクロサービスアーキテクチャの設計、開発スキル。
5. アジャイル開発手法の実践スキル。
6. データ分析・操作言語(Python、R、SQLなど)の実務経験
7 .英語での優れたコミュニケーション能力


・TOEIC 730


Desired experience:
【Required Qualifications】
・Practical experience in designing, developing, and testing frontend (React, Vue.js, Angular, etc.) and backend (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.) components.
・Experience in designing, developing, and documenting APIs.
・Experience in designing and developing microservice architectures.
・Experience in designing and developing AI services.
・Experience in practicing agile development methodologies.
【Preferred requirements】
・Experience in system development within the pharmaceutical industry.
・Experience in developing mobile applications (iOS, Android).
・Practical experience as a data scientist.

Desired skills/knowledge/abilities:
1. Skills in designing, developing, and testing frontend (React, Vue.js, Angular, etc.) and backend (Node.js, Python, Ruby, etc.) components.
2. Skills in designing, developing, and documenting APIs.
3. Knowledge in designing and developing AI services.
4. Skills in designing and developing microservice architectures.
5. Skills in practicing agile development methodologies.
6. Practical experience with data analysis and manipulation languages (Python, R, SQL, etc.).
7. Business communication skills in Japanese. (JLPT N1)

Desired competencies:
・Leadership that promotes planning while involving stakeholders from inside and outside the coountry and inside and outside the company
・Excellent communication skills to explain technical knowledge in layman’s terms.
・Eagerness for continuous learning to quickly adapt to new technologies or trends.

Desired Qualification:

Position Features:
Chugai Pharmaceutical is seeking talented individuals to join our agile in-house development organization, where each team member contributes their skills and passion to shape the future of healthcare. We are dedicated to utilizing technology to enhance the quality of life for patients worldwide.
We are currently looking for candidates who can excel in both engineering and design aspects, with numerous opportunities to influence the product. This role involves leading frontend development for our own services, working closely with internal and external stakeholders, and bringing your unique ideas to life.
We would like to invite you to join our team and create new value together through technology. 
待遇/Salary & Benefits 当社規定により優遇いたします。

To be decided in accordance with our criteria.

Flextime system


The notification of working conditions will be made in an electronic file.
If you apply, please understand this point. 
勤務地/Location 東京都中央区(本社)/ Main Office (Chuo Ward, Tokyo)
