
募集職種詳細 / Job description

信頼性保証ユニット / Quality & Regulatory Compliance Unit

医薬品情報の広告規制管理担当 / Advertising Regulations Management for Pharmaceutical Information

職務内容/Job duties 募集の背景:

Background of recruitment:
The Medical Information Assurance Department has set a mission to “provide added value to internal and external stakeholders through activities that ensure the provision of information that contributes to the proper use of pharmaceuticals and other products”.
In order to realize the significant task of ensuring the quality of information related to pharmaceuticals and other products released by the Chugai Group, as well as establishing an optimal environment for such assurance, in other words, optimizing pharmaceutical information, we are recruiting personnel with expertise in the “JPMA Code of Practice” this time.
Of course, since pharmaceutical information includes sales information, we also expect expertise in the “Sales Information Provision Activities Guidelines”.


Description of work:
[Rules] Operations related to internal rules and departmental SOPs concerning advertising regulations for pharmaceutical information
[Rules] Operations related to incidents concerning advertising regulations for pharmaceutical information
[Rules] Industry activities related to rulemaking for advertising regulations for pharmaceutical information
[Communication] Collaboration with Roche / Overseas subsidiaries regarding advertising regulations for pharmaceutical information 
応募資格/Qualifications 求める経験:

Desired experience:
・Experience in managing/operating internal rules/SOPs*
 *Internal rules/SOPs related to compliance promotion, etc."
・Experience in participating/engaging in industry activities**
 **Industry activities related to advertising regulations by JPMA, etc."
・Experience in communicating with overseas counterparts

・テクニカルスキル > 情報収集スキル/資料作成スキル
・ヒューマンスキル > 交渉力
・コンセプチュアルスキル > クリティカルシンキング

・Technical Skills > Information gathering skills/Document preparation skills
・Human Skills > Negotiation ability
・Conceptual Skills > Critical thinking


Desired experience:
・Able to adapt to various internal and external environmental changes
・Highly committed to team and individual goals, and persevere through difficulties to achieve goals
・Able to build friendly cooperative relationships with surroundings (including external parties), and always be aware of mutual Win-Win - company-wide optimization


Desired Qualification:
・Japanese native, JLPT-N1 or equivalent



Position Features:
This time, we are recruiting personnel with expertise in the “JPMA Code of Practice”, which serves as the underlying principle for ensuring the quality of information provision for pharmaceuticals.

The Medical Information Assurance Department centrally manages information related to pharmaceuticals and other products released by the Chugai Group, with a focus on supervisory operations related to the “the Sales Information Provision Activities Guidelines”.
However, there are still many challenges in optimizing pharmaceutical information, and to truly realize the organization’s mission, it is essential to operate the organization with various expertise and talents.
Starting from the rules, we would like to share the challenge of communicating with internal and external stakeholders, establishing infrastructure to ensure pharmaceutical information, and ultimately realizing the optimization of pharmaceutical information, with motivated personnel.
待遇/Salary & Benefits 当社規定により優遇いたします。
To be decided in accordance with our criteria

Flextime system

The notification of working conditions will be made in an electronic file.
If you apply, please understand this point. 
勤務地/Location 本社 / Head Office (Chuo Ward, Tokyo)
